Introduction Course

The Introduction course is primarily for larger groups.


It is a 16 week course which meets on a weekly basis for one and a half hours.


During each session, the time will be divided between:-

  • Memory enhancement strategies
  • Building cognitive reserve (learning new skills)
  • Understanding OUR brains
  • Qi Gong (a form of Tai Chi)
  • Music, movement and rhthym for the mind, body & soul
  • Strength & endurance exercises
  • Managing stress
  • Meditation
  • Nutrition
  • Improving self-confidence
  • Lectures and discussions
  • Social stimulation


Advanced Course

The advanced programme is an 12 week course which can be repeated as often as needed. Each session will last for one - two hours.


It is ideally intended for smaller groups of 5-10 participants.


Due to the size of the groups, the workshops and activities are far more person-centred and progress is constantly measured and analysed.


The essential ingredients of the course are similar to the introduction course, but will go into far more detail at a higher level of intensity.


It is recomended that participants repeat the advanced course every six months.





Personal Trainer Programme

The 'personal trainer' course incorporates all the essentials of both the introducion and advanced courses. It can continue for as long as the participant requires.


This is the epitome of person-centred support, and during every session, progress will be monitored and analysed. 


A personal trainer will work closely with each individual's identified areas of improvement. 


In addition to the group courses, participants will be able to utilise:-

  • On-line support systems
  • Gymnastic weights and domestic exercise equipment
  • Nintendo Wii and other game forums
  • A selection of memory and cognitive applications



Our extensive range of services

Choosing from the many options available for boosting overall health and well-being demands professional expertise, and Neurobics are established specialists in the field. Our well-trained experts can be trusted to take good care of you and your wellness.

Need an individual consultation?

Simply call us on 07966 000660 or send an email to:

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